App Settings

Learn about your app's global variables


NobleCRM uses an Option Set titled "App Settings" to hold various global variables used throughout the app. If you are unfamiliar with Option Sets, you can learn about them here. Below is a description of all attributes from the App Settings Option Set.


  • App Name

    • Type: Text

    • Description: The name of your app.

    • Default value: NobleCRM

  • Default Free Plan

    • Type: Option of type Pricing Plans

    • Description: Set this to your app's free plan. When a subscription renewal fails, the corresponding workspace will be downgraded to the plan set here.

    • Default value: Free

  • Enable User API Keys?

    • Type: yes/no

    • Description: When set to "yes," users must enter their own and Clearbit API keys to use the related Contact and Company enrichment features. When set to "no," all enrichment will be performed using the API keys set in the API connector. If enabled, you must set a secret key in the "AES Encryption & Decryption" plugin settings, or users will receive an error when trying to add their API key. This secret key can be any long, difficult string of numbers and letters. Be sure to save this key somewhere secure.

    • Default value: yes

  • Pricing Plan Currency Prefix

    • Type: text

    • Description: The currency prefix displayed on pricing plans.

    • Default value: $

  • Primary color (hex)

    • Type: text

    • Description: Your app's primary color hex code.

    • Default value: #3C3AEA

  • Privacy Policy URL

    • Type: text

    • Description: Used for Stripe Customer Portal configuration. Allows users to access your privacy policy from the Stripe Customer Portal.

    • Default value:

  • Terms of Service URL

    • Type: text

    • Description: Used for Stripe Customer Portal configuration. Allows users to access your Terms of Service from the Stripe Customer Portal.

    • Default value:

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