Copying development data into the Live database

Copying development data into the Live database

When you deploy a Bubble app live for the first time, it does not move the data from your development database into your live database. Bubble apps separate the two so that you can develop new features and modify the database on the test app without affecting the live app.

Step-by-step Guide

To copy the development data data into the live database:

1. navigate to the Data tab

2. open App data

3. Click on 'Copy and restore database' in the top right.

In the popup that will appear, you need to:

1. click the 'Copy development data into the live database' button

2. ensure 'Data type to copy' is set to All types

3. type 'COPY FROM DEVELOPMENT TO LIVE' in the input

4. press the Confirm button

Once you've done this, all of the items from your development database will copy into your live app's database.


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